Are you making these Health Mistakes every day?
Sometimes simple mistakes have serious consequences on your health. Here are some common mistakes that we are making in your day-to-day life.
Brushing teeth straight after eating
According to this study, this dental health tip is completely false. Brushing right after eating can lead to damage on the topmost layer of protection that your teeth have. So wait for at least 30 minutes before brushing the teeth. But must brush your teeth before going to the bed.
Skipping Breakfast
Starting your day by skipping breakfast is not driving your car
that has less fuel in the tank. Skipping breakfast without sufficient
fuel will lead to bad health. Eating a healthy breakfast will improve
your metabolism, help maintain blood sugar levels and improve your
Carrying a Heavy Bag
Before going, you pack your bag with essentiall and not-essential things, which weigh your bag heavy. This one of the most common health mistakes people make. It can cause all sorts of health issues, including poor posture, arthritis, neck problems, and backache. Organize your bag every day and use small bags with only essential items.
Exercising Too Much
Is Exercising Too Much is good? Not at all. Exercising too much can
actually ruin your health and fitness. If you work your body, too much it can
lead to a weaker immune system, muscle damage, shin splints, and abnormal
hormonal changes. Of course, exercise should be an important part of your
lifestyle, just be careful to organize it for a certain time not too much.
Not sleeping enough
Spending a lot of time in front of the TV, the Computer or working without sleeping
may affect your health. You must sleep 6 to 8 hrs daily to avoid any kind of
health issues. Set yourself a time to go to sleep and follow it.
Suddenly Stopping Medicines
Many of us have decided ourselves once in our life when to stop
taking the medication before the prescribed time because we started to feel
better. Don’t do this. Stopping certain medicine by yourself can be life
threatening, so you should only stop taking medication according to your doctor’s
Cleaning Your Water Bottle
Most people forget to give the water bottle a good wash. We are used it just to rinse it a couple of times, then refill. This could be
dangerous. If the bottle isn't cleaned thoroughly daily, there is a possibility
of harmful bacteria present in the water you're consuming. So clean the water
bottle every day after use with hot water.
Wash the hands only when think it’s dirty
Many of us wash our hands only when we think they're dirty, which is
a big mistake. Our hands pick up germs always. Often you have to clean the hand especially
before eating and after going to bathroom wash. Sanitizer is highly active
against most germs and is especially helpful when our hands are not visibly
Playing music too loudly
You might want to hear your favorite songs through your earphones in high volume. The ears are full of nerves. Listening to high volumes can damage these nerves and it can loss of hearing. So listen to music at a low volume.