Chanting Mantras
Mantra is a word or phrase that is repeated many times during meditation. It can be chanted, whispered, or repeated in the mind. Mantras can be highly beneficial for your brain. While chanting mantras it passes through your mind and nervous system which highly controls your brain. Scientists made a lot of studies and research on the mantra's effect on the human mind. According to the research certain parts of our brain activated while we chant the mantras. The famous "ohm/om", which is a mantra composed of a syllable in Sanskrit. When chanting or whispered "ohm/om" it gives a positive vibration to our body and eliminates the negativity from our body.
Mantra relaxes the body and mind. Mantra has a direct effect on our body which was proved by science. When you recite or chant a mantra it will relax your body. The science proved that the mantra "ohm/om" stabilize the heartbeat and increases mental awareness. Chanting mantras is an ancient practice. It has its origin in the Vedas, sacred scriptures whose dating is uncertain.
If your focus is spiritual, your best mantra is likely to be associated with your tradition. One popular Judeo-Christian phrase is “Let go and let God.” A favorite Christian “mantra” is the ancient Aramaic prayer “Maranatha:” Come Lord or The Lord Cometh. In Hinduism and Buddhism "ohm/om" is usually used for meditation and yoga.
Chanting these mantras helps our mind to focus and calm down. It improves concentration and reduces stress and anxiety levels, making us emotionally more stable.

Mantras have many psychological benefits. It can change your mind. If you are chanting any mantra for 10-15 minutes give you a relaxing mind and body. It can be done by individuals or by groups.
In this world of uncertainty to get into peace and bring our mind under control by chanting mantras is a good idea. All these uncertainties are happening for a reason. To know about it we have to make a journey into our ancient world.