What is spiritualism?
What is spiritualism? Spiritualism consists of two main factors, one is the correct way of living and the other is the right way of thinking. If one human being is spiritual he/she must be free from self-interest and keeps communication with god.
Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram is the main concept of this spiritual people. What is this? Satyam means the truth. Your entire being is filled with love, appreciation, beauty, kindness, generosity, and other positive traits. You have developed a habit of helping others with their needs. You are always doing well for everyone. Doing good for everyone with your thoughts, words, and action is truthfulness. By continuously practicing all these in your life, you are following the principles of Satyam.
Shivam means kindness. After developing this habit of loving and appreciating everyone, your vision is now changed from negative to positive. You have learned to see goodness in everyone and everything in this universe. This kindness leads you to do good for everyone and makes you a generous person. Kindness and generosity are considered to be the unique quality of God Shiva. And you are now a living example of Shivam.
Once you have achieved that level of Sathyam and Shivam, you can move one step ahead and start loving every creation of this universe. You now enjoy the beauty of Sunrise and Sunset, blooms of the flower, the birds, the beauty of nature and you started loving all these. This practice has made you a living example of a perfect human being. And you have now mastered the art of Sundaram, being beautiful. The journey of thousand miles starts with the single-step taken in a positive direction and you will reach supreme power. The greatest beauty is to see the totality, the intensity of the mystic. That is the greatest flowering in the existence of consciousness itself. It is available only to those who are humble enough to receive it, who are not living a closed life of fear, of depression, but who are living a life of love, with all the windows and doors open, and are ready to go with life wherever it leads.
Spiritualism in India is a complete philosophy of human life, the correct way of living, and the right way of thinking.
