Stop Being So Superstitious
Black cat crossing, number 13, number 17, breaking mirrors on Friday, crossing ladders, walking against a widow are some of the superstitions that people avoid in their life. In some hotels do not have room no 13, some flights also don’t have 13th and 17th row. In Brazil and Italy the unlucky no is 17, not 13. What is superstition? There is no single definition of superstition; it generally means a belief in supernatural power, such as fate, the desire to influence unpredictable factors and a need to resolve uncertainty. Superstitious beliefs sometimes help to promote a positive mental attitude but they can rather lead to irrational decisions, such as trusting in the merits of good luck and destiny rather than sound decision-making. Here we are unable to take a firm decision that will lead to negative energy in your life. Some people bother to carry charm, wear certain cloth, visiting temple or church, using specific number and colors all are elements of some superstit...