Is faith is an emotion and a feeling?

Faith is a strong belief in someone or something. Right? Emotion is a feeling. While a belief is a feeling of being sure that, someone or something exists or that something is true.

According to me, faith is both an emotion and a feeling. Without a feeling, you don’t have an emotion. So both of it’s are important and no major difference between these two. Faith is a belief, whereas a belief is a feeling, and feelings generate emotions. 

Some may argue that faith and feeling are two entirely different things. Faith is an exercise of the mind, while the feeling is a form of the mind. 

I Can give an example for this. One of your best friends happens to left you, but you want to give another chance to that friend to come back to you. Is it faith or you are still trusting because of your emotion or feeling? Difficult to answer, right? You can say it’s faith because this is supposed to not happen, it's an emotion because I love that friend very much, or because I had a special feeling towards that friend. This is a reality of the human experience.  

Faith is my belief in an unknown power that lead me in my life. I have a feeling in me that power will be there for me all the time. That state of mind made me that emotion with that feeling. Here you can say faith is an emotion, faith is a feeling. Faith is an emotion and a feeling.


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