How to build up your personality?

Before going to our topic first we have to understand what is Personality.

The personality is the classic pattern of thinking, feeling, emotion, and behaviors that make a person unique. When we say that, “he/she has a good personality”, means you liked that person’s behavior and way of interacting with you. Everyone wants to be attractive to others. To come to that point we need a good personality. The personality does not mean good looking. More than 85% of success and happiness came out from how you are interacting with others. It’s the personality that decided by the people to attract towards you or go away from you.

So we need to develop our own personality. Here are some tips for that.

Be a better listener. When somebody is talking to you have to look in to that person's eye and hand on every word he/she talking and make them feel that you are following what that person is saying.

Read whenever you can and increase your interests. The more you read you can create new interests. When you meet new people, it allows you to share what you know and can exchange your views with them.

Do not be shy to interact with people. Nobody knows everything so it’s good to learn from others. So talk with other people about your interest and knowledge about what their interests. Having an opinion is another important thing. It’s boring to talk to someone who has no opinion. If you have a different opinion people will definitely have an attraction towards you. A unique outlook is a symbol of your personality.

Meet new people who are different from you. It not only takes you to different cultures and alternative ways of doing things, but it also enlarges your skylines.

Be yourself. Don’t imitate others. Since each of us is unique, expressing that uniqueness is what makes us interesting. Being a carbon copy is a boring one.

Always try to have a positive outlook and attitude. When you enter into someone's room let that room light with your positive energy. A smile spread good cheer, and attract others with your presence.

Try to be fun and see the humorous side of life. Everyone enjoys the company of people with humor who makes them smile or laugh. When you can add some humor to someones' gloomy atmosphere, it will naturally attract you.

Being supportive is probably the most loveable quality you can add to your personality. We all love to have a person with support who is encouraging when we are in a bad situation.

Have honesty and treat people with respect. Being honest and true to your word will bring you the appreciation, respect, and gratitude of others. Nothing improves a person's personality more than integrity and respect for others, as well as respect for yourself.

All humans have the power and ability to shape our personalities.  Yes, create your own personality and admire others.


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