Is canned food good for your health?

Many canned food options are nutritionally sound. It important is, how to pick the best products. 

When you choose a canned food you have to watch for sodium levels and the amount of added sugar. Sodium and sugar are not fundamentally unhealthy but excessive amounts of these harm your health. You have to choose the product with less than 5% of sodium and sugar content.

If you are choosing canned fruits and vegetables go for products that are packed in water or their own juice. Don’t buy if it’s packed with salt-water or syrup. Some studies showing that water-soluble vitamins like C and B may be significantly reduced by the canning process. Even if we are storing fresh fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator for a few days could result in similar vitamin losses. SO consume fruits and vegetables when it’s fresh.

Canned food may also be contaminated by the can itself with a chemical called bisphenol (BPA). But Almost 90% of canned food are packing with BPS-free cans.

Choosing canned goods that contain a single food item is your best choice by avoiding added salt and sugar. Canned fish, tomatoes, green peas, corn are good choices for canned food because they're as equally nutritious as their fresh and frozen counterparts, according to the study.

Just remember that single food sources of canned goods are generally better than prepared canned meals due to their typical high sodium and sugar levels. Always keep an eye on the labels to ensure a healthy choice. Avoid high levels of sodium and sugar-containing canned food.


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