Simple things to consider before you buy something

Due to the pandemic, many of us are spending less and trying to be balanced with a budget. Before buying anything, we have in front of us two questions one is “Do I really want this?” Or Do I really need it?” 

What is the difference between "want" and "need"?

"Want", have a desire to possess something or wish for something. However, "need" is require something because it is essential or very important rather than just wanted. In this sense, we have to use our money in cleverer choices.

We have considered certain things before buying something. Let us discuss it one by one.

Does this item have a purpose?

How many times do you buy something because it’s a good deal and you might use it later? Something later does not mean you should buy it. If it’s usable now then you can buy it because you will get it at a discount, and here you can save money rather than losing money.

How long will this item last?

Everybody is in a hurry to buy the cheap product without thinking how long that will last. For example, water kettle which is using daily and here we have to buy a good branded one without looking at the price. Because this last more than the cheaper one. Really think about the long-term use of something before you buy it.

How much will we really use this?

We will surely buy costly party wear dress, which we use once or twice.  Then it needs anymore. Here also think before spending money on this kind of thing. Buy dress which we can use later too.

Do I have to buy it because my neighbor has it or my friend is telling me to buy it?

Spending or buying something depends on how much money you have. Sometimes your neighbor has more money than you, so they can buy a luxurious car or a house, or ornaments. If you have less money and you have the intention to imitate them, you have to take a loan from the bank or ask for money from your friends or relative. Is worth it? Think it out before taking the steps.

Do I have to buy it today?

This is another valuable question to ask before you buy. Instead of buying something today, think about it. If you still really want it tomorrow or next week, then it might be something to consider. If you need it two months later, save your budget and buy it later.

Is there a better option than buying this?

Think that the AC in your bedroom is not working. You have AC in another room, which is using rarely. Therefore, you can replace it with yours. Sometimes, there are great alternatives to buying something urgently.

By asking yourself all the above simple questions before you buy something, you can save yourself a lot of time, money, and stress. Think about it the next time before you want to buy something. “Do I really want this?” Or Do I really need it?”.


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