Why you are Lazy? What causes Laziness?

Laziness is also termed as inactivity or sloth and it is the failure to do what you are supposed to do, in spite of having the ability to do it.

Laziness is a badness that slowly creeps in you and begins to hold you in a cage. It interrupts your life and stops you from getting to where you are supposed to be. At first, you feel as that you need rest, then gradually you start accepting and entertaining the laziness in you, finally, it fully inside you and becomes a part of who you are.

Laziness is usually starting from postponing something that needs to be done. It might be urgent or not but why postpone it while you can do it now? If you are in this state of mind, definitely you are caged in laziness.

The following are the causes of laziness.

For example, you are leaving in the sink the utensils that you are using in the kitchen from the morning right away they postpone it for later. The more they load the less likely you are to get started as the task has become so much larger. The same thing also for cleaning, doing other things in the workplace, paying bills at the last moment. This is known as procrastination, which is delaying or postponing something.

When working, suppose your mind wanders over to other things that are totally unrelated. If yes then you are distracted. The more you get distracted the less likely you are to complete the task. The most common causes of distraction are spending a lot of time on social media, using mobile phones without any limit, and thinking about exciting upcoming events. In order to overcome laziness in this case, reduce the time spending on all these which is distracting you. Think how much time you are wasting on these sources of distraction and then determine what you could achieve by using this time effectively.

Poor Lifestyle Choices is another important thing for laziness.  Some people live unplanned with careless lifestyles. You have to plan your day to day life one day before and list out it. When we are exhausted, our mind is dulled and prevents the body from functioning effectively and correctly. It is therefore advisable to plan how you are going to spend your time and divide your responsibilities wisely with your family in order to get the important things done in time.

Some people’s minds are confused and they can’t decide, and this can lead to laziness. You might start thinking about things to do in the morning and by noon, you still haven’t decided yet. This means that you have wasted half a day. By the time you decide, there isn’t enough time left to do it. In the way, you wasted a day due to laziness.

Poor consumption of food also leads to laziness. Your body needs fuel that enables you to perform your task. Otherwise, you ask yourself, “why I am lazy?” If you love your work that you are going to do then you will be motivated to get things done correctly. If you don’t have the motivation, you can’t do that. If you believe in yourself, you will have the capacity to get things done at home or at work to make your life happy.

If you are asking the help of others to do tasks that you can do. Having everything done for you makes you lazy and kills your ability to do things. Also, this will make you think that you simply can’t do that. Changing a blub, changing the battery in the clock or radio, cleaning your car, etc is a very simple task that you can be done your own.

Value yourself, believe in yourself, and kick off the laziness in you. Just like any other person, you deserve better things, happiness, and the best chances in your life. If you are struggling to achieve this by yourself, get to talk with a professional who can help you. A combination of all these will help you to overcome laziness forever.


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