What impact is now on our life with the pandemic?

Since March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed our lives in a way similar to the most shocking events in history, such as a World war. Millions of people infected and already thousands of deaths all over the world. There does still exist an uncertainty on the actual origin of the crisis, as well nobody knows post covid consequences. All depend on a number of keys like an effective treatment, a vaccine, and immunity after vaccination. We are optimistic about the positive results recently achieved through the vaccine; uncertainty is probably still there about the vaccination.

We are in a stressed state of mind. Every day we have to sit in front of the TV to know if we are in the red zone or no. Lockdowns have served as a reminder of just how adaptable we are as human beings. We are all restricted with the idea of socializing with family or friends. That all became a memory nowadays. Long one year, and still going on the same. Impossible to withstand many of the realities, which had been hardly changed. Digital interaction is really not at all a substitute for real life. Sending messages and making video calls may help us to some extent but it is too long for this type of interaction. Going out for a dinner with family, or have a weekend with friends is now a dream for us.

But a return to normal life, as usual, will still mask inside this covid. People are suffering from anxiety and depression, women are abusing in their family; children experiencing neglect at the hands of their parents with their work from home. The children are experiencing isolation and loneliness during this lockdown could have consequences for their personal relationships, which will not magically disappear with a vaccine.

Recovering from covid we not only need the vaccine to have the antibody, but society needs financial aid to bring back the normal life. Life after this pandemic will never be the same. We are at the end, waiting for a new beginning. Values ​​will change, our lives and habits will change, and our homes will change. We have to stand with our heads up and united to fight against this virus ourselves by changing our lifestyle and by strengthening our immunity.


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