
Guide for Indoor Planting

Indoor plants nowadays be an essential part of every interior design. Greenery brightens up indoor spaces which have the quality to boost your moods. Not all indoor plants require the same type of care, but these basic rules provide the general knowledge necessary for indoor gardening. ​ Choose Plants Based on Light in your Space Moderate light is better for indoor plat, means not too much or too less Figure out Your Plant Compatibility depends on your daily routine If you are a busy person try with  succulents (parts that are thickened, fleshy, and engorged, usually to retain water in arid climates or soil conditions), ZZ plants (accepts low-light conditions without throwing a fit. Its waxy, smooth leaves reflect sunlight and brighten rooms) or snake plants. ​Less Water It’s better to use less water for plants than to overwater. Too much water can damage the root. Pour room temperature water directly on the soil around the base of the pl...

What is nostalgia and homesickness, how it affects you?

Nostalgic is someone who has a longing for the past or who looks back and remembers the past, which has a certain amount of importance in the life. When you’re nostalgic about something, there’s a little bit of a sense of loss that happened. Nostalgic memories typically involve precious personal moments, such as those spent with loved ones. Those memories, in turn, inspire positive feelings of joy, high self-regard, belonging, and meaningfulness in life. The pandemic has made many of us nostalgic for the past. Mental health experts say it gives us strength for good or bad in the human mind. We are now made our mind to cope up with that nostalgic moment which is good but we are missing a lot of our life moment which is giving us a bad nostalgic moment. According to Alan R. Hirsh in “Nostalgia: a Neuropsychiatric Understanding.” Rather than seeing the past for what it truly was, we recall it as a conglomeration of various memories, filtering negative ones out to integrate the posit...

Who is responsible for your happiness?

Who is responsible for your happiness? Your family, your spouse, your friends, your children? No, you and only you are responsible for your happiness. Of course, they also contribute the factors for your happiness, but it always depends on how happy you are. How do you define your happiness? For many people happiness is having a good job, a firm relationship, a good bank balance, travel often to places love to see, or buying something very special for you, etc. You know these are all short-term happiness except a good job and firm relationship. When living our lives, we have a tendency to go for more money, wealth, and power in order to protect our lifestyle. What happens is that these tendencies put us in situations where we compromise our integrity in order to get them. To get all these you spend all your days without sleeping and think about how to get all these which take you to a state of unhappiness. So never, go for more, stay with enough, which we need. The world is full ...

What Is Cryptocurrency? Is it safe?

Cryptocurrency is a digital payment system that doesn't connect to any banks to verify transactions. A peer-to-peer system (the "peers" are computer systems that are connected to each other via the Internet), that can enable anyone anywhere to send and receive payments. Instead of being physical money that is carried around and exchanged in the real world, cryptocurrency payments exist purely as digital entries to an online database that describe specific transactions. You store your cryptocurrency in a digital wallet. When you transfer cryptocurrency funds, the transactions are recorded in a public ledger. Advanced coding is involved in storing and transmitting cryptocurrency data between wallets and public ledgers. The aim of encryption is to provide security and safety. Cryptocurrencies are usually built using Blockchain technology. Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business n...

Parenting Styles and Their Effects

The parenting styles commonly used based on the work of Diana Baumrind, a developmental psychologist at the University of California at Berkeley, in the 1960s. According to Baumrind’s theory, there is a close relationship between the type of parenting style and children’s behavior. Different parenting styles can lead to different child development and their consequences. Based on extensive observation, interviews, and analyses, by Baumrind and later studies in the 1980s by Maccoby and Martin there are four parenting styles. Authoritative Authoritarian (or Disciplinarian) Permissive (or Indulgent) Neglectful (or Uninvolved) Authoritative Parenting outcome is high demandingness and high responsiveness. In this kind of parenting, these parents provide their kids with reasoning and explanation for their actions. Explanations allow children to have a sense of awareness and teach kids about values, morals, and goals. For this, the parents set rules and impose boundaries by...

Simple things to consider before you buy something

Due to the pandemic, many of us are spending less and trying to be balanced with a budget. Before buying anything, we have in front of us two questions one is “Do I really want this?” Or Do I really need it?”  What is the difference between "want" and "need"? "Want", have a desire to possess something or wish for something. However, "need" is require something because it is essential or very important rather than just wanted. In this sense, we have to use our money in cleverer choices. We have considered certain things before buying something. Let us discuss it one by one. Does this item have a purpose? How many times do you buy something because it’s a good deal and you might use it later? Something later does not mean you should buy it. If it’s usable now then you can buy it because you will get it at a discount, and here you can save money rather than losing money. How long will this item last? Everybody is in a hurry to b...

Importance of Patience In your life

Once we learn the importance of patience, we can stop worrying when things take longer than we would like or things that we can’t fulfill our dream very easily. For example, problems like being stuck in traffic jams as well as bigger issues such as getting your dream job or a dream house or a dream life partner. However, we need the patience to solve all our problems. Patience makes it easier to live because it reduces negative emotions like stress, anger, or frustration. When one is patient, one can achieve almost all of your dreams. Patience is an important life skill. Hence, if you want to upkeep your relationships both in-home and workplace, you must be patient. Focus on the good qualities and individual personalities of the people around you. We can see how patience plays an important role in our mental and physical wellness. By understanding the importance of patience in our life, we can learn to stay in control of our emotions and avoids negative feelings such as anger, ...