
Are you a Pessimist or Optimist?

If any person is saying, the following 7 things, the person is pessimistic. Try to understand yourself. Would you say you are more of a “glass is half-full” or a “glass is half-empty” type of person? I will do it tomorrow If you are saying this because it’s outside your comfort zone or you're nervous or stressed, or you don't know where to start, or you are feeling lazy. So do the things in time. I do not have time You are saying this because you don’t want to do it. There’s no right or wrong way to manage your time effectively, but you need to clearly identify how you’re spending your hours so you can eliminate time-wasting the thing you are doing in the day. When you recognize it, you’ll understand you’re not as busy as you thought.   It is your fault, not mine Being blamed for something that isn’t your fault can be an annoying and really dangerous situation. Blame another person can make you look like you aren’t a team player or like you are purposefully escaping

Inauguration Day: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Inaugural Swearing-In Ceremony


Why I am forgetting things to do?

Broken memory happens to us all. Sometimes you forget to switch off the TV or when you go to the grocery shop and you forget to buy the things which are very urgent in the kitchen, or sometimes you forget the name of your friend, or you may forget where you put the key of the car. Don’t worry, relax this is happening to youngsters also. There are a lot of ways to organize your day by doing the following. With this, you can organize or re-organize your lifestyle. Get organized everything. For example, put the keys in the key holder, make a post-it some part of the kitchen and write down the things that you have to buy from the shop. Write down your schedule in a calendar like, payment of the bill, meetings, family reunions, appointments and put reminders on your mobile. Look at your next day’s schedule before you go to bed to help keep events fresh in your mind. Lifestyle also affects your memory. Your diet plays an important role. If you have high blood pressure, blood sugar, or high c

Colors makes difference in our lives

Colors makes difference in our lives which emphasizes personality. The colors you surround yourself, which can influence your viewpoint and emotions, as well as those around you. Each of us reacts a different way to the same color.  Colors influence us in a few different ways. Our reaction is also personal, influenced by how this color is presented in our own lives. It is hard to imagine a life without color. We are surrounded by so many colors and each color has a different meaning. There are cool and warm colors, bright and dull colors. All the colors play a very vital role in our life. You may choose your color depending on your mood, your actions, reactions, and expressions.  Each individual’s personal preference is different. For example, they choose to paint their house. And these colors in some way reflect either their emotion or their personality. For instance, you might have noticed that while orange relates to hopefulness and passion, green for tranquility and harmony.

The importance of Mathematics in Our Everyday Life

Can you imagine a world without Mathematics?  From the morning to back to bed in the night, we use numbers and mathematics. When you wake up the first thing you do is looking at the clock. There start our journey with numbers. Thus, mathematics has become the companion of our journey. Everyday we use Mathematics. Right from the time a person wakes up in the morning, Mathematics comes into play. Almost all of us will set up an alarm for waking up in the morning to get ready to do things. We are unknowingly using Mathematics to calculate the time for doing things. Have to take bath, prepare breakfast, setting time to read the newspaper, collecting important papers to bring to the office. We are doing all these by calculating the time. When you are putting a paper in the duct bin you are using Mathematics. When you are in the kitchen you are using Mathematics. Mathematics finds its way while cooking, baking, measuring ingredients, etc.  Repairing or reconstruction of homes requires the

Live for "Today" not for "Tomorrow"

I am a person who loves to live for today. How many of you told yourself that “I am happy because I have enough money or I already achieve everything in my life.? I think nobody. It’s crazy, right? We are lucky that we got birth in the beautiful land. One day we will leave this land forever. We don’t know when. We deserve to be happy as we don’t know what is happening next moment. Live for today and not for the future because the future is never guaranteed. Have you ever thought about the prospect of death that never happens? Impossible, that we all know. Suppose that you invest all your earning for the future and calculating getting the return from that. If something happens to you before that goal what is the meaning of the sacrifices you made in the past. Is it been worth completely disregard your life you are living now for that future life? I’m not saying that your planning for the future is not good or you have to spend all the money today because you are going to die tomor

Power of music in your life

Music can have a superficial impact on both your emotion and body. There is a lot of type of music. Each music has it's own impact on you. Faster music, Cheerful music and Slow or Melodic music. Faster music make you more alert and concentrate better. Cheerful music will give you more positivity in your life. Slow or Melodic music relaxes your body, feel calmed which will relax you from the stress in your life. A lot of research shows that music impact on your life. But then there is a question which one is best which will reduce your stress? Indian stringed instruments like Veena, Volin, flute are very effective for relaxing the mind. Each music coming out of these instruments make you calm and relaxing. The nature sounds, the sound of rain, the sound of thunder mixed with classical music or jazz music also good for listening to. But everything depends on you. You must first choose the music which is best for you to reduce stress. You have to explore this first. Some music may