
Showing posts from January, 2021

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its usages in our daily life

First, let me define Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence or AI is a branch of computer science that brings together numerous disciplines, with the intention of creating smart machines or devices and systems capable of performing complex or difficult tasks that often require human intelligence. AI is capable of doing tasks equals or exceeds the capabilities of humans. In our daily life without knowing these, we are using a lot of things. When we are using Google or some other search engine searching something, artificial intelligence will take you to that point which one you are searching. For example, you want to buy a cloth, most of us definitely use the google search engine to search for some online shop. You are getting a lot of results, from that you can choose the best one. This is happening due to the AI. They are taking us to that way. Online search and recommendation are just one of the many applications of AI in our daily lives that we take for granted.  Can y

Food tells you about your Culture

Have you ever think about the food you eat every day can tell you all about yourself? Have you ever think about why people in different countries eat different types of food? Do you ever ask yourself why certain foods or culinary traditions are so linked to your culture? Yes, food and culture and related to each other. We grow up eating the food of our cultures. Food from our family often becomes the comfort food we seek as adults in times of frustration and stress. When we were sick, we could not eat heavy food because at that time we were too weak, so mother or grandmother would cook some liquid food and bring it to our bed. Still, you have that smell and taste of that liquid food in your memory. Now, whenever you feel tired or stressed, you remember that food your mother or grandmother cooked for you. That is the culture of your family. In some countries, they cook rice soup, some used to cook vegetable soup, some country they used to cook barley soup, etc. Each of these depends on

Is marriage a contract?

It is sure marriage isn’t a contract or an agreement. Marriage is a bonding between a male and a female. It’s somethings considered with great respect to their religion, culture, and custom. It’s sacred from a religious point of view. But what makes marriage something special? Marriage is a reunion of two families of the same culture and religion and custom. There will be an understanding that needs to happen between the couple to long last the bonding. Let the ink become dry in your marriage certificate. Honest is the prime factor for this. You have to share all your good and bad with your fiancé even if it’s hard to accept. Marriage is a choice to be committed through the ups and the downs, the good and the bad. When things are going well, commitment is easy. Otherwise, it is going to struggle you. Sexuality in marriage includes more than just our bodies, but it also includes our eyes, mind, heart, and soul. When we dedicate our minds to sexual fantasies with another person, we

Why Friendship Is Important in our life?

Friendships can deepen your life in many ways. Good friends teach you who you are and give courage you to be a better person. If they are sincere, they always with you when you are in a difficult situation. They give you a shoulder to cry when you need it. When we are born, we get related to our family. This is not chosen by us, but it’s coming from blood relations. However, there is a relation, which we choose ourselves is a relation, that‘s a relationship with a friend.  Friends make our life beautiful. The journey of life becomes beautiful when good friends surround us. We have a family and they love us, but they have a lot of limitations. We all have a life outside our family. Life is a journey and no journey of life seems interesting when traveled alone. Friends are Important in every sphere of our life. Children look for the company to play with them. In school, we make friends according to our interests. During our college life, we get independence in taking many decisions on ou

kitchen is playing a big role in our daily life

Why kitchen is playing a big role in our daily life?  Kitchens have come a long way in the role that they play in our daily lives. The place that once was for purely cooking located in the back of the house designed only for women now steals its rightful place front and center of our homes. Open kitchen is the focus of a house now.  Kitchens are now has a major role in the social aspect of our lives – it’s the space where the kids are doing their homework while parents prepare a meal. Also friends can chat while we cook. Now the kitchen is the most used space rather than a room in your house. It’s no wonder that the kitchen is now a multi-purpose space that reflects the wide variety of functions depends on the users that occupy the space. Kitchens are no longer build inside 4 walls rather than it is typical open space kitchen. This would be a great get-together space where everybody sit in the kitchen so we can cook and serve at the same time. The way you use your  reflects your lifest

Is faith is an emotion and a feeling?

Faith is a strong belief in someone or something. Right? Emotion is a feeling. While a belief is a feeling of being sure that, someone or something exists or that something is true. According to me, faith is both an emotion and a feeling. Without a feeling, you don’t have an emotion. So both of it’s are important and no major difference between these two. Faith is a belief, whereas a belief is a feeling, and feelings generate emotions.  Some may argue that faith and feeling are two entirely different things. Faith is an exercise of the mind, while the feeling is a form of the mind.  I Can give an example for this. One of your best friends happens to left you, but you want to give another chance to that friend to come back to you. Is it faith or you are still trusting because of your emotion or feeling? Difficult to answer, right? You can say it’s faith because this is supposed to not happen, it's an emotion because I love that friend very much, or because I had a special feeling t

Give "Respect" take "Respect"

First respect yourself, then respect others. Respect those around you by offering your respect. The more you focus on adding value for others, the more respect you will get. When you give respect to others emotions, thoughts and dealing, automatically respect comes to you. Giving respect does not mean simply talking to others in a respectful manner, but it's the loving and caring manner in which we cooperate with them. We may not be using the same way of loving and caring to all the people. The way in which we understand and react to them shows the respect. There is no point in sad that the others are using impolite words about them as long as they do not respect the others. Respect is always a give and take strategy. The only way to command respect is first to learn how to respect the others. It is always good to study the beliefs that are different than ours, as well as those we may think that go against what we believe in. By doing this we learn to listen to others and also deve

Are you a Pessimist or Optimist?

If any person is saying, the following 7 things, the person is pessimistic. Try to understand yourself. Would you say you are more of a “glass is half-full” or a “glass is half-empty” type of person? I will do it tomorrow If you are saying this because it’s outside your comfort zone or you're nervous or stressed, or you don't know where to start, or you are feeling lazy. So do the things in time. I do not have time You are saying this because you don’t want to do it. There’s no right or wrong way to manage your time effectively, but you need to clearly identify how you’re spending your hours so you can eliminate time-wasting the thing you are doing in the day. When you recognize it, you’ll understand you’re not as busy as you thought.   It is your fault, not mine Being blamed for something that isn’t your fault can be an annoying and really dangerous situation. Blame another person can make you look like you aren’t a team player or like you are purposefully escaping

Inauguration Day: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Inaugural Swearing-In Ceremony


Why I am forgetting things to do?

Broken memory happens to us all. Sometimes you forget to switch off the TV or when you go to the grocery shop and you forget to buy the things which are very urgent in the kitchen, or sometimes you forget the name of your friend, or you may forget where you put the key of the car. Don’t worry, relax this is happening to youngsters also. There are a lot of ways to organize your day by doing the following. With this, you can organize or re-organize your lifestyle. Get organized everything. For example, put the keys in the key holder, make a post-it some part of the kitchen and write down the things that you have to buy from the shop. Write down your schedule in a calendar like, payment of the bill, meetings, family reunions, appointments and put reminders on your mobile. Look at your next day’s schedule before you go to bed to help keep events fresh in your mind. Lifestyle also affects your memory. Your diet plays an important role. If you have high blood pressure, blood sugar, or high c

Colors makes difference in our lives

Colors makes difference in our lives which emphasizes personality. The colors you surround yourself, which can influence your viewpoint and emotions, as well as those around you. Each of us reacts a different way to the same color.  Colors influence us in a few different ways. Our reaction is also personal, influenced by how this color is presented in our own lives. It is hard to imagine a life without color. We are surrounded by so many colors and each color has a different meaning. There are cool and warm colors, bright and dull colors. All the colors play a very vital role in our life. You may choose your color depending on your mood, your actions, reactions, and expressions.  Each individual’s personal preference is different. For example, they choose to paint their house. And these colors in some way reflect either their emotion or their personality. For instance, you might have noticed that while orange relates to hopefulness and passion, green for tranquility and harmony.

The importance of Mathematics in Our Everyday Life

Can you imagine a world without Mathematics?  From the morning to back to bed in the night, we use numbers and mathematics. When you wake up the first thing you do is looking at the clock. There start our journey with numbers. Thus, mathematics has become the companion of our journey. Everyday we use Mathematics. Right from the time a person wakes up in the morning, Mathematics comes into play. Almost all of us will set up an alarm for waking up in the morning to get ready to do things. We are unknowingly using Mathematics to calculate the time for doing things. Have to take bath, prepare breakfast, setting time to read the newspaper, collecting important papers to bring to the office. We are doing all these by calculating the time. When you are putting a paper in the duct bin you are using Mathematics. When you are in the kitchen you are using Mathematics. Mathematics finds its way while cooking, baking, measuring ingredients, etc.  Repairing or reconstruction of homes requires the

Live for "Today" not for "Tomorrow"

I am a person who loves to live for today. How many of you told yourself that “I am happy because I have enough money or I already achieve everything in my life.? I think nobody. It’s crazy, right? We are lucky that we got birth in the beautiful land. One day we will leave this land forever. We don’t know when. We deserve to be happy as we don’t know what is happening next moment. Live for today and not for the future because the future is never guaranteed. Have you ever thought about the prospect of death that never happens? Impossible, that we all know. Suppose that you invest all your earning for the future and calculating getting the return from that. If something happens to you before that goal what is the meaning of the sacrifices you made in the past. Is it been worth completely disregard your life you are living now for that future life? I’m not saying that your planning for the future is not good or you have to spend all the money today because you are going to die tomor

Power of music in your life

Music can have a superficial impact on both your emotion and body. There is a lot of type of music. Each music has it's own impact on you. Faster music, Cheerful music and Slow or Melodic music. Faster music make you more alert and concentrate better. Cheerful music will give you more positivity in your life. Slow or Melodic music relaxes your body, feel calmed which will relax you from the stress in your life. A lot of research shows that music impact on your life. But then there is a question which one is best which will reduce your stress? Indian stringed instruments like Veena, Volin, flute are very effective for relaxing the mind. Each music coming out of these instruments make you calm and relaxing. The nature sounds, the sound of rain, the sound of thunder mixed with classical music or jazz music also good for listening to. But everything depends on you. You must first choose the music which is best for you to reduce stress. You have to explore this first. Some music may

The Elements of Effective Teamwork

Good teamwork with a diversity of thought, age, race, gender, creativity, perspectives, opportunities, and problem-solving approaches bring the working place a healthy environment. A proper team environment allows individuals to breakthrough ideas collectively, which in turn increases their success to problem solve and arrive at solutions more efficiently and effectively. Effective teams also allow the initiative to innovate, in turn creating a competitive edge to accomplish goals and objectives. Sharing differing opinions and experiences strengthens accountability and can help make effective decisions faster, than when done alone. When incorporating team skills, the environment becomes more efficient and productive. The different skills allow the workload to be shared according to the skills of individuals, reducing the pressure on individuals. This ensures the tasks to be completed within a set time frame. It also allows goals to be more realistic, enhances the optimization of pe

Healthy lifestyle tips to bring harmony to your life

The body is important to maintaining harmony. You are the only person to look after your body. A healthy body is a part of our life. Every day your body needs exercise. Choose an exercise and do it the same time every day whether it’s in the morning, afternoon, or in the evening. The more you stick to the habit, the easier it gets to keep going on…! The second important thing is setting up your mind. If you have any problem call your best friend and share it with him/her. A phone conversation or a video call can relieve your stress instead of sending messages. You can also share with your partner the problem you are facing and even with your children. Don’t try to keep it inside which will blow after a certain time. The third important thing is Spirit. Nourishing your soul through a daily routine will benefit your daily life. Creating the morning routine set you up for success. Once you wake up spend 10 to 15 minutes and think about the task you have to finish on that day. Then mak

Tips for Working (from Home) Parents

Create schedules for the day The gift of working from home especially if you are your own boss is the flexibility to organize your work hours. How many hours do you want to work? What time will you reply to emails and return calls? What activities do you want to finish while your kids are busy? Inform your boss and colleagues Let your boss and colleagues know about your home situation. Let them agree on the number of hours in a day you're expected to work. Keep your colleagues updated about the situation of home life as you have to look after your kids also. This way they will know and understand the reason behind the delay in your work. Almost firms are “Results-based work environments”, which is popular these days where employees are free to work in the style they want as long as they produce results as per the schedule by the end of the day or as specified by the boss. Work it with your partner If your partner also works from the home schedule the working time. For p

Things to Carry in your “Handbag” while Traveling

Planning for a vacation, business trip, or family visit? Plan ahead and make a list of items that you must carry-on in your handbag for happier and stress free travel. Documents Your wallet, passport, and flight tickets. If you have a digital ticket, better to print it and itineraries that you’ve stored on your phone just in case. Always keep one copy with you all the digital documents for travel. Medicines Medication is one of the items most often forgotten and one of the hardest to replace. While many countries offer similar medicine, it may be impossible to locate specific prescription drugs when traveling. Be sure to pack any prescription medications in their original bottles, and don't forget allergy medications. In addition, pack stomach soothers and anti-diarrhea medicines too, as new foods or water make you trouble. Electronics No matter how great your phone’s battery life is keep   your charger with you in case your phone needs a quick charging. All the informa

Five Medical apparatus you have to keep at home

Some medical apparatus should be a necessity now. These devices are useful for anybody who want to be conscious of the health of the family. This pandemic reminds us of the importance of healthcare. Since the virus is still spreading so people who have other diseases, must keep all these for monitoring their health condition time by time. Moreover, the largest percentage of people affected have been the elderly. The devices mentioned below not only give them fighting against COVID-19 but also in maintaining a healthy lifestyle in general. Thermometer This basic device is very essential in every home. The thermometer can indicate if the body temperature is higher or lower than normal, thus helping decide the appropriate course of prescription medicines and ensuring a speedy recovery. Weighing scale A weighing scale measures your body. Many diseases can cause weight gain, just as obesity can lead to many diseases and weight loss indicating some other deceases. Therefore, this can b

Make Gratitude A Habit

As Henry Ward Beecher Said “Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.” Gratitude is an emotion expressing thanks for our lives, even in times of challenge and change. Many of us express gratitude by saying “thank you” to someone who has helped us or given us a gift. It is just not an action but an emotion. First of all, we have to show gratitude to our parents who give us birth. Create small moments of delight for them or do things that make them proud of you, or to stay some time with them. Expressing gratitude internalizes good vibes. It helps reduce the symptoms of depression. Practicing gratitude can make you feel more alive. It is integral to our well-being. Gratitude can change your life. If you feel that you have neglected to thank someone in your life, maybe write them a letter explaining your gratitude.  Deliver it in person, if possible. Who knows what impact this will have on both of your lives. Before you go to sleep, think of the positive things

How to conquer your fear of public speaking?

Face the Crowd with Confidence  First, you have to know what your fear is. Then   prepare for the subject to talk about. Research and plan your material. Rehearse in front of a mirror. Ask a friend or family member to critique your speech. During Your Speech, you have to get the right expression. Calm down by breathing deeply. Focus on giving your best speech. After your speech relish the moment and celebrate. Evaluate your performance and take notes to talk about. Seek professional training if you think you need it. You can speak well if you follow all these and you can deliver the message of your heart. Good Luck…!!!

Why Making Mistakes is Important in Life?

Mistakes are an unavoidable part of life and are vital to a person's growth. Reasons why making mistakes is okay. Everyone makes mistakes. Mistakes give you valuable life lessons. They say mistakes are life's way of teaching you. Behind each mistake is an important lesson to be learned. You are only human and humans are not made to be perfect. It's what makes each of us unique. Mistakes help you grow. Mistakes push you to do better, be better. They help you become a better version of yourself. Mistakes help you know yourself more. It allows you to figure out who you are as a person. Mistakes do not define you. Accept it. Know what you did wrong.   Understanding your mistake helps you make amends and rectify the situation. Remember the lesson. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. It should not prevent you from taking risks or doing anything worthwhile. “Take chances, make mistakes. That’s how you grow.” Mary Tyler Moore

What are the benefits of meal planning?

Having a healthy meal plan will make daily life so much easier and give you many benefits that come from cooking meals at home. There are many benefits when you plan meals weekly. It saves a lot of our time, stress, money, and a lot more. For half an hour at the dining table, we have to work a lot. Not only cooking but also preparing a grocery list, driving to the supermarket, buying the grocery then cutting and chopping then comes only cooking. This is in your everyday life. Because of this, most of the people abandon cooking and force to go to the restaurant to have food. I can have a planner for you. In this also you have to do all from the grocery shop to the dining table. However, with meal planning, you will be able to eliminate the stress that comes with the above-said scenario and enjoy home-cooked meals. Every week you have to make a meal plan discussing with your family. Include all of your tasty food. Whatever it is, flexibility is important when it comes to mealtimes,

House cleaning is Boring?

House cleaning is Boring? How to organize cleaning if you don’t have a maid. House cleaning is boring if you are not doing it at the right time. Cleaning is a boring one after a while. But I can give you some tips about how you can organize the cleaning without a maid. When I’m cleaning a particular room, I usually clean that room in the same order. I absolutely love the results of cleaning – my house looking its best and smelling great. Music is a key factor. This is undoubtedly a tip you’ve tried before. It is an old tip for sure, but it’s a good one because it really works. You can switch it on and switch it off! However, be careful about what you choose. Everybody has their own taste. For me, love songs, and melodic songs work well. You can choose your own. Take a break of 5 to 10 minutes if you are boring. Maybe have a bite, or a chocolate, something like that. In addition, you can respond to the social media of your friends or relatives. I hope that these tips will help y

The Basics of a Healthy Meal

We all need a balance of protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals in our diets to sustain a healthy body. You don’t need to eliminate certain categories of food from your diet, but rather select the healthiest options from each category. Fresh Fruits Fresh Vegetables Whole Grains Lean Meat/Fish/Egg Brown Rice Whole Wheat Pasta Low-Fat Dressing Low Sodium Condiments Low Fat Dairy Milk / Nut Milk Dried Fruit, Nuts & Seeds Low Sugar Real Fruit Juice To set yourself up for dieting is simple. Eating a healthier diet doesn’t have to be complicated. Instead of being overly concerned with counting calories, think of your diet in terms of the following list. Focus on avoiding packaged and processed foods and opting for more fresh ingredients whenever possible. Better cook your meals at home which can help you in eating to better monitor exactly what goes into your food. Thus you can avoid more calories, chemical additives, added sugar, and unhealthy fats. Always take a sma

Tips for teaching from home (Distance Education)

Prepare in advance If you expect to teach online in the near future, look at the curriculum in advance and prepare lessons for the weeks ahead. Opt for content that's easily accessible online, in a variety of mediums. Schedule student check-in times Set time when you are your students can be online, prepare the teaching materials, and at the end of each secession allow the students to clear doubts. Make use of video conference tools that allow for multiple people to join. Set up a work zone Set up a comfortable, well-ventilated area and designate it for work. Avoid working from the sofa or bed. If you want a break during the class secession put a hold of the class giving them some exercise or something like that. Create an online quiz Check-in on your students' learning progress through online methods. Use a tool like Google Forms to make an online quiz any student can fill out with their device. Over-communicate Set out your expectations clearly in all relevant communication c

Work from Home Tips, Tool and Planner

First of all, we would talk about the Tools you need to set up Work from Home.  1. A dedicated workspace 2. A computer 3. A good internet connection 4. Video conferencing and chat apps 5. Earphones or a headset 6. Self-discipline and a healthy, productive mindset Now we can go through what you have to do next.  Create a routine to keep your mind and body productive. Wake up early, take a shower, have breakfast or a cup of coffee. This helps prepare your mind and body for a productive day of working. Keep communication lines open. Before you start, list down your priorities for the day. Set pockets of time to complete your tasks and make sure you stick to your schedule. Check-in with your boss and colleagues from time to time. Update them on your schedule and deliverables, especially if there are any changes. Set up your work-space. Make sure that there is sufficient ventilation in the room. Focus on what needs to be done daily. (About this see my weekly planner at the end of this artic

Managing COVID-19 Stress

Five Tips on looking after yourself Take a break from the news. Information overload can be upsetting. Make an effort to switch off your screens once in a while. Take care of your body. Meditate, eat well-balanced meals, take deep breaths. Aside from staying safe, stay healthy. Make time to unwind. Use a few minutes of your day  to do something you enjoy. Connect with others. Talk to people you trust about your concerns and how you're feeling. The situation may be overwhelming, but coping with stress will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger. Source: World Health Organization

"Do what you love, Love what you do."

Two sentences with the same four words are used in different positions. You can also notice that meaning is very different. My ambition was to become a journalist but I become a graphics designer. Do what you love here for me makes so much sense, but as a designer, I have to love my job. Life is not easy for anybody. Here is my life, not journalism but designing is, “Do what you love, Love what you do”. That was a big challenge in my life. I am still trying to love my job, I do make mistakes, but the important things is “Do what you love, Love what you do”. In this sense, you have to love your job. The truth is, if you love what you do for a living, you probably reach that goal by sacrificing your ambitions. Another question is, “Why put time and effort into something if you don’t love it?” The answer to this question is different for all. For me, I have some choices. First was as said I want to become a Journalist. But my way of thinking was different from others as if I am not able